Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2013

Greek Banks to complete an Increase in Share Capital

This is the month for the Greek Banks to fulfill the increase in share capital as well as preferred rights stock options, and update their annual reports as part of the recapitalization of banks due to the hair cut in their bond portfolios. 

As part of the 6 billion euros Greece will receive from the Troika, Greek banks have to move towards increase in share capital with the participation of private investors or merge with others, such that the owners equity index is at 9%. In case they do not manage to find private funds to participate in the share allocation then they will break up into good and bad banks.
It is estimated that bad loans projections for the Greek banks will exceed 40% and based on the results of the new stress tests that will be completed this year, will determine their needs of capital financing.